Fast and Friendly Expertise!

IT Services

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Whether you need to build your server environment from the ground-up, or you want piece of mind that your company has fast and friendly support for your existing environment, we’ve got you covered!

The Longview Guarantee

  • Fast Response! When an emergency happens, we’re on-site in 1 hour or less.

  • Simple Explanations. We had to learn all this technical stuff so you don’t have to! We will always explain things in terms catered specifically to our audience. (We get that your COO and CFO may have two very different areas of concern for the same issue)

  • 24-Hour Remote Support Available. We can remotely monitor your environment around the clock for 24-hour peace of mind.

Example Clients:

  • We have a support team member permanently onsite as a fully dedicated IT resource for an industrial company in Jacksonville. This client has an on premises environment that includes 3 Servers, a 100TB NAS storage environment, Domain controller, Firewall, access points on multiple networks, and 30 mac and windows workstations.

  • We remotely support a food brokerage in California. We maintain the virtual server environment that powers their proprietary software; providing 24-7 monitoring, actively scaling system resources for deployments, building out Google Cloud apps, and maintaining their SQL database.

Environment Planning

“We don’t even know what we need” is such a common saying around the Longview office that we’ve hung a plaque of it over the kitchen sink. (Get it? Kitchen sink? OK, look if we could make good jokes we wouldn’t be IT people…)

Our experts will work closely with your stakeholders to map out the future of your technology environment to meet your business needs within a budget and timeline that works for you.

We can audit existing environments to help develop your strategic direction and even audit existing plans to make sure that your still on track for your goals.

Continuous environment planning is inclusive in every support package with Longview. Planning services can also be booked as “no-commitment-necessary” consulting sessions to suit your needs.

Example Client:

  • A secure storage facility in Miami had some concerns about their environment security. Their existing IT service provider had unfortunately recommended that they rely upon consumer-grade measures for a company that is literally sells security (and here’s a free tip: Your router firewall is NOT the same quality as a dedicated firewall).

    We worked with this client to put together a multi-phase environment security plan that focused on critical needs like a firewall, domain controller, and end-point protection first, with additional measures planned for future phases as more budget became available.


Cybersecurity is so critical to your business these days that we gave it it’s own little section here. Ransomware and Phishing are two of the biggest loss-agents in the modern office environment. We’re happy to provide you with the ongoing support that you need to ensure that your environment stays secure.

Here are our areas of expertise:

  • Firewall management

  • Phishing Protection & Email Security

  • Password Protection

  • Virus and Ransomware Protection

  • Hacking Prevention

  • Network Security

  • Ongoing Training for Staff

Give us a shout!

Lets talk about the future of your business’ technology.
(321) 684-0944